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Learn in just 3 days how to improve your online selling techniques by attending Argo's online selling training course. Our instructors are prepared to answer any questions about sales and marketing.



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Argo's training course will take you through 3 major stages of the online selling process and will help you design your own strategy. Find below this section the details for each day


Market Analysis

We'll start the training course by making a thorough analysis of our business environment

  • Instructor: Pauline Smith

Sales Planning

After collecting the right market input we can dive into creating efficient sales strategies

  • Instructor: Mike Brown

Evaluation Time

Campaigns need to be evaluated in order to understand the results and prepare for the future

  • Instructor: Ronnie Blake


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In order to design a successful marketing strategy you need to understand your business environment very well. In this starting chapter, we'll give you the right tools and methods to analyze the market and gather data.
With all that market data it's very easy to feel overwhelmed so we've prepared a few techniques to help you draw the right conclusions from the market reports. Then you will feel confident enough to plan your sales strategy.
Especially in crowded marketplaces, it can be difficult to differentiate your course or service from the competition. Argo's course will give you the right skills to help you identify hidden value and present it to your customers.
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Sales Planning And Marketing Strategies

Argo's training course enables you to create the best sales plan using Kotler's methodology and sets up your course or service for success.

  • Proven strategies which work in real life scenarios
  • Effortles planning for time constrained people
  • High success ratios for those who are commited

Campaign Evaluation

In day 3 of Argo training course we're going to take a look at campaign evaluation methods.

Performance Reports

Everyone's scared about generating reports so we've prepared a few great tips & tricks.

What To Do Next

Clearly you can't stop learning about your business after 3 days so we'll point you in the right direction.

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When you register you get access to the entire 3 days course which will enable you to understand your business environment, devise a realistic development strategy and how to effectively act on it. Of course we'll also teach you how to evaluate your actions and take the right decisions.

$199 Regular

$99 Limited Offer


Argo's Training Will...

  • Teach you how to analyze and understand your business environment for better decision making
  • Help you find hidden value in your courses and services and launch them succesfully
  • Provide you with the best tactical ideas to act on your marketing strategy
  • Highly increase your confidence level to undertake bolder projects in your industry

Argo's Training Will Not...

  • Waste 3 days of your life for nothing because the course is packed with highly valuable data
  • Provide you with untested methods and techniques because everything we teach is from real-life
  • Make you spend 199 dollars without improving your skills ten times more than you would imagine
  • Leave you stranded at the end of the course beacuse it will guide you towards reaching your goals


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Pauline Smith

Online Marketing Specialist

Pauline has a broad industry experience built while working for famous corporations and innovative startups which makes her a great instructor.

  • Highly enthusiastic problem solver
  • Loves to share information with peers

"I absolutely loved to work with Pauline's team while she was Marketing Manager at Delloite. She's a seriously dedicated person and loves to develop awesome digital courses."

John Monroe - General Manager, Delloite
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Mike Brown

Business Developer

Mike is a highly skiled business developer with hands-on experience in managemnt positions at popular organiations and in his own companies.

  • Great communicator with public speaking skills
  • Works best when challenged with cool projects

"My experience with Mike goes back in the days when he was starting his own company and pushed some cool and innovative courses together with high quality services."

Bill Vancouver - General Manager, Monopoly
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Ronnie Blake

Web Content Creator

Ronnie is a passionate creator and his greatest passion is to find value where nobody expects. He's also into developing digital courses and platforms.

  • Great programming and design abilities
  • Finds value where nobody sees any

"Ronnie is a great observer and likes to use his skills to solve everyday problems with digital courses and services. You have a lot to learn from his experience."

Finley Stream - General Manager, Invest Bank


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  • Q

    What happens after I register ?

  • A Upon registration you will receive a link on your email address which redirects you to our online training course platform. There you will confirm your credentials.
  • Q

    Is the course guaranteed, can I ask for refunds ?

  • A Of course, the course is 100% guaranteed which means you can ask for a refund anytime and receive the full reimbursement of your money. So your investment is risk free.
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    Are you sure the content is genuine ?

  • A This training course stands on its own with original content based on real life case studies conducted by our instructors. We haven't used other online resources free or paid.
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    Where do I go upon finishing the course ?

  • A Last chapter of the online training is reserved for pointing you towards the right direction after completing all the materials in the course. So you know what to do next.


Happy Students


Delivered Projects


Online Orders


Staff Members

Argo's online sales training course is highly recommended to anyone intrested in developing their online sales skills, either for courses or services. I've taken this course last year and now I run my own business.

Larry Volgen - StartUp Founder


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